R&G: 28-Day Challenge Completed...Results

R&G:  28-Day Challenge Completed...Results

Good morning friends,

My wife and I welcomed baby #4 into the family this past weekend! Both baby and mamma are doing great!

“When you encounter a problem, the probability you’re actually looking at the actual root cause of the problem in the initial 24 hours is pretty close to zero, because it turns out that behind every issue there’s a very interesting story.” In the end, if you stick with identifying the true root causes of variation and eliminating them, you’ll have a predictable, in-control process that you can optimize.”
― Colin Bryar, Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon

I just completed a 28-Day Screen Time Challenge where I allowed myself a maximum of 1 hour of screen time a day. I started this challenge after seeing my daily screen time usage on my phone climb to alarming levels.

Here are a few lessons I learned...

  1. In theory, if I go from using my phone 3 hours a day to 1, I gain 2 hours of my time back daily. In my original post about this challenge, I talked about all the plans I had for the free time I would gain.

    I quickly realized how difficult it was to use the free time gained since the majority of my phone usage came about through random moments, not just a large 3-hour binge session. Using an extra 5 minutes here, and 3 minutes there productively was a challenge.
  2. Avoiding accessive screen time allowed my mind to think. Once I set down my phone, I realized how often I used the fast-hit dopamine scrolling sessions on social media to escape my thoughts. Not even negative thoughts, just my thoughts in general. Once the phone was down, my mind began to problem-solve, it began to recap my day, to think of tasks I needed to complete that I had been avoiding, and to work at a higher rate of efficiency.
  3. Social media, while HIGHLY entertaining, contributes little value to my life. I looked over the last 28 days and realized the hours I chose not to scroll social media didn't detract from my life. I spent less time on social media and didn't feel I lost anything of value. In my experience, social media was not contributing any meaningful value to my life.

What I'm reading...

Via a recommendation from a friend, I sat down this week with the book "Working Backwards by Colin Bryar"

This book highlights the business playbook Amazon has employed over the years that led to its monumental success.

While I am only 2 chapters in, I can already say with great conviction I recommend you pick up a copy! From the introduction, the book it packed with meaningful and tested business practices and written like an instruction manual rather than a list of leadership theories.
What I am testing...

In the coming weeks, I'll be releasing a new health-focused product review on Creatine Gummies. Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in existence with a wide range of health benefits and, when consumed properly, almost no side effects.

I've found taking it in gummy form rather than chalky powder helps me to remain more consistent in my consumption each day leading to better results overall. I've been testing 3 brands and will report back with a detailed review of the best one and attempt to snag a discount code for you all!

Here's to finishing the week strong,

Matthew Osborn